To download pdf version of our constitution policy click on the button
(as adopted on 8th April 2015)
The name of the Club is the “St.Saviour’s Bowls Club”
The Club shall be incorporated under the “Loi (1862) sur le tenures en fideicommis et l’incorporation d’association”, as amended.
The colours of the Club shall be maroon, green and gold or such other colours as the Committee may from time to time decide.
The objects of the Club are to promote and encourage bowls and other sports in the Island of Jersey, and, in furtherance of these objects:-
3.1 to provide facilities for the playing of bowls and other sports;
3.2 to organise and promote bowls matches and competitions and to do and encourage all things intended to promote interest in the playing of bowls and other sports;
3.3 to present or assist in presenting exhibition matches whether open to the public generally or otherwise;
3.4 to co-operate with similar institutions and governing bodies wherever situated in establishing bowls clubs, or promoting bowls matches, competitions, exhibition matches and generally furthering the interest of bowls and other sports;
3.5 to acquire either by purchase or on a lease or in any manner any property or properties which may be necessary to further the objects of the Club;
3.6 to do all such other things as may be necessary or desirable in furthering or attaining the foregoing objects.
4a.1 The first members of the Club shall be those persons who are at the present time members of the unincorporated body known as St. Saviour’s Bowls Club;
4a.2 Any application for membership of the Club shall be made on the prescribed form and shall bear the signature of a proposer and seconder who shall be members of the Club to whom the applicant is personally known
4a.3 The Committee shall consider each application for membership and any application for renewal of membership and it shall have the power to refuse any application either for membership or renewal thereof without assigning any reason for such refusal.
4a.4 The Committee may lay down from time to time such qualification for membership (including junior membership) as it thinks fit.
4a.5 It shall be a condition of membership that a new member shall pay such Entrance Fee (if any) as shall be determined at the Annual General Meeting;
4a.6 The Committee may appoint such persons as Patrons or Honorary Life Members as it thinks proper from time to time, being persons who have contributed to the benefit or welfare of the Club or for such other reason as the Committee may decide.
So long as a liquor licence remains in force:-
4b.1 No person or persons other than Members or Social Members, as defined in Rule 8.2, shall make use of any of the premises of the Club except upon introduction by a member. Such person or persons, if under the age of eighteen years, shall not be permitted to purchase or consume intoxicating liquor on any of the premises of the Club;
4b.2 The member introducing such person or persons shall enter his or her own and the other person or persons’ name or names in the visitors’ book which shall be provided for that purpose;
4b.3 The member introducing such person or persons shall be responsible for his/her conduct;
4b.4 No member shall introduce more than three persons on any day, except in the case of a member of the Management Committee may sign the visitors’ book for the whole of a visiting team at the Club on the occasion of a league, knockout, friendly or social match;
4b.5 No member shall introduce any person or persons who has been refused membership of or has been expelled from the Club;
4b.6 No member shall introduce the same person on more than 12 occasions in a calendar year;
4b.7 Any one or more of the Officers, as defined in Rule 7, may require any person or persons so introduced by a member to leave the Club premises for any reason;
4b.8 The Club bar shall not be opened and no member or guest of any member shall consume intoxicating liquor on club premises outside licensing hours.
5.1 The Officers of the Club shall be:
The President;
The Senior Vice-President;
The Junior Vice-President;
The Men’s Captain;
The Ladies’ Captain;
The Honorary Treasurer;
The Honorary Secretary;
The Honorary Assistant Secretary.
5.2 The Club in General Meeting may appoint such other officers as it thinks fit.
5.3 The Officers shall hold office for one year and shall retire at the Annual General Meeting following their election but shall be eligible for re-election.
6.1 The Club shall be managed by a Committee whose duty it shall be to carry out the general policy of the Club and, subject to any conditions imposed from time to time by the Club in General Meeting, to provide for the administration, management and control of the affairs and property of the Club, including the keeping of proper records of all meetings and accurate records of all monies received and expended by the Club;
6.2 The Committee shall be composed of the following:-
6.2.1 the Officers listed in Rule 5.1 above; and
6.2.2 the Chairpersons of the Sub-Committees elected at the Annual General Meeting under the provisions of Rule 7 below; provided that the Club may in General Meeting vary the number of members and the composition thereof which will compose the Committee.
6.3 The President shall act as Chairman or failing him the Senior Vice-President or failing both, the Junior Vice-President. If neither the President nor either of the Vice-Presidents is present at a meeting, the Committee shall elect a chairman from among the members present. The Chairman will have a casting vote only in the event of an equality of votes;
6.4 The Committee shall meet once in every month or at such times as it may decide and on a date and time to be determined by it; the Honorary Secretary shall give seven days written notice of all such meetings;
6.5 The President, or in his absence the Senior Vice-President, or in absence of both the Junior Vice-President, may at his discretion, convene special meetings of the Committee, and shall do so on the requisition of at least six members of the Committee; in any case, the reason for calling the meeting shall be notified to the members of the Committee when calling such special meeting;
6.6 The Committee may co-opt such members as it may from time to time deem necessary and such co-opted members shall have a vote. The membership of the co-opted member shall cease at the next following Annual General Meeting or on a decision to that effect by those members of the Committee who are members by virtue of Rule 6.2;
6.7 The Committee may dismiss or suspend from the Club any member for any improper conduct or behaviour or for non-payment of the annual subscription;
6.8 The Committee shall appoint delegates and sub-delegates to committees of the governing bodies of any sporting organisation to which the Club is affiliated or in which the Club from time to time may compete;
6.9 The Committee may delegate any of its powers to any Sub-Committees appointed by virtue of Rule 7; but may not delegate any power or function relating to the 5th Category licence held by the Club for which the Honorary Secretary is responsible in accordance with Article 20 of the Licensing (Jersey) Law 1974.
6.10 The quorum at meetings of the Committee shall be eight;
6.11 The decision of the Committee shall be final in any complaint or other representation made to it by any member. A complaint or representation shall be made in writing to the Honorary Secretary.
7.1 The Club shall at its Annual General Meeting elect Chairpersons of Sub-Committees to be responsible for the following activities:-
7.1.1 Fixtures and Competitions,
7.1.2 Stewards,
7.1.3 Clubhouse and Maintenance,
7.1.4 Catering,
7.1.5 Social,
7.1.6 Training,
and such other or alternative Sub-Committees as it shall consider necessary from time to time.
7.2 The Chairpersons, following their election or appointment, shall appoint members of their Sub-Committees. Including the Chairperson, a Sub-Committee shall consist of not less than three nor more than five persons whose appointment shall be ratified by the Committee before taking office.
7.3 The Men’s Captain and the Ladies’ Captain shall be ex-officio members of the Fixtures and Competitions Sub-Committee.
7.4 Sub-Committees shall report to the Committee and no decisions or activities shall be taken or pursued without their prior knowledge and consent of the Committee. At meetings of the Committee, in the absence of the Chairperson of a Sub-Committee, the Sub-Committee shall be represented by a deputy appointed by the Chairperson.
8.1 The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held in each year on such day in the months of October or November and at such place as the Committee shall determine. At least fourteen clear days’ notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be given in writing to each member of the Club;
8.2 A Special General Meeting of the Club may be called by the President, or in his absence, the Senior Vice-President, or in the absence of both, the Junior Vice-President or the Committee. Such meetings shall also be called at the written request of fifteen members of the Club, and upon receipt of such request a meeting shall be called within twenty-one days. At least fourteen clear days’ notice of a Special General Meeting shall be given in writing to each member of the Club;
8.3 The President shall act as Chairman or, failing him, the Senior Vice-President or failing both, the Junior Vice-President. If neither the President nor either of the Vice-Presidents is present at a General Meeting, the Meeting shall elect a Chairman from among the members present. The Chairman will have a casting vote only in the event of an equality of votes;
8.4 At the Annual General Meeting the business shall include:-
the consideration of an Annual Report of the Club prepared by the Secretary;
the consideration of an Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet prepared by the Treasurer and audited by the members so appointed;
the election of officers of the Club;
the election of Chairpersons of the Sub-Committees;
the appointment of two members as auditors for the ensuing year;
the appointment of a Press Officer; and,
the fixing of the Annual Subscription and Entrance Fee.
8.5 The proceedings of the Annual General Meeting or General Meetings and of the Committee or Sub-Committees shall not be invalidated by any failure to appoint, or by any defect in the appointment, election or qualification, of any member.
8.6 The quorum at a General Meeting of the Club shall be forty.
9.1 The financial year of the Club shall end on the 30th September of each year. The funds of the Club shall be paid into a bank account in the name of the Club. All cheques and other payments drawn on that account shall be signed by the President, or one of the Vice-Presidents, and countersigned by the Treasurer. The Club Funds shall be used exclusively for paying the expenses of the Club.
10.1 The Club shall adopt the Rules of the World Bowls Board for the conduct of all games, matches and competitions, which shall be binding on the players.
11.1 The President or the Honorary Secretary duly authorised by a resolution of the Committee shall represent the Club before the Royal Court of Jersey and elsewhere in all matters both real and personal.
12.1 Alterations to the Constitution shall require the consent of not less than three-quarters of those members present and voting at a General Meeting. A resolution proposing any changes to the Constitution shall be submitted to the Honorary Secretary not less than twenty-one days before the meeting at which the resolution is to be put forward. Not less than fourteen days’ notice in writing of any meeting at which such resolution is to be considered shall be given to members of the Club and such notice shall set out the resolutions which are to be put before the meeting. Provided that no alteration to the Constitution shall become effective until the same shall have been approved by the Royal Court of Jersey under the provision of Article 4 of the Loi (1862) sur les tenures en fideicommis et l’incorporation d’associations”, as amended
13.1 The Committee shall have power to make, vary and revoke Rules, Competition Rules and Bye-Laws not inconsistent with the Constitution for the regulation of the internal affairs of the Club and the rights and privileges of the Club members.
13.2 Competition Rules and Bye-Laws and any changes thereto will come into effect immediately following the publication of those Competition Rules and Bye-Laws, or changes thereto, by Notice in the Club Pavilion. The Rules of the Club and any changes to those Rules shall come into effect only with the consent of a majority of members present and voting at the Annual General Meeting, or at a Special General Meeting, called under the provisions of Rule 8.2
13.3 A resolution proposing any changes to the Rules shall be submitted to the Honorary Secretary not less than twenty-one days before the Annual General Meeting at which the resolution is to be put forward.
14.1 The Club may at any time be dissolved by a resolution passed by not less than three-quarters of the members of the Club present and voting at a General Meeting of the Club called for this purpose and of which at least twenty-one clear days written notice shall have been given to all members. If upon the dissolution of the Club there remains, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property or assets whatsoever, whether immovable or movable, the same shall not be paid or distributed among the members of the Club but shall be donated or transferred to such other Club or Association having objects similar to the objects of the Club. Provided always that no donation or transfer of any property or assets shall be made until the same shall have been approved by the Royal Court of Jersey under the provisions of Article 10 of the “Loi (1862) sur les tenures en fideicommis et l’incorporation d’associations”, as amended, and this upon application of the Committee, which shall continue in office until and only until such dissolution and transfer of property and assets shall have been completed.
1.1 These Rules are to be read alongside the Constitution so that together they provide the government of the Club.
2.1 No alteration of, or addition to, the Constitution and Rules shall be made except at a General Meeting called in accordance with the Constitution. Any amendment to the Constitution will have to be sanctioned by The Royal Court.
- OFFICERS: Constitution Rule 5
3.1 In addition to the officers elected under Constitution Rule 5, the Club in General Meeting shall elect:
two members as Auditors to audit the Annual Accounts of the Club;
and a Press Officer.
The members so elected shall not be members of the Committee.
- NOMINATIONS: Constitution Rule 5
4.1 Nominations for members to be elected shall be made on the prescribed nomination form, signed by the member consenting to be nominated and by the proposer and the seconder. The form shall be submitted to the Secretary by 30th September; a list of nominations shall be published on the Notice Board during September. Further nominations may be made at any time before the Notice of the Annual General Meeting and they will be shown on the Notice. In the event of a position not being filled then nominations may be accepted from the floor at the Meeting.
5.1 Persons of the same gender only may propose, second and be eligible to vote for the Men’s Captain and the Ladies’ Captain.
6.1 The President.
The President will chair all meetings as provided in the Constitution and will represent the Club.
6.2 The Vice-Presidents.
The Vice-Presidents will assist the President and deputise for him or her when called upon. They will help, and advise if called upon, the chairpersons of the sub-committees.
6.3 The Men’s and Ladies’ Captains.
The Captains will be responsible for all aspects of play and players. They will make themselves aware of the ability of as many members as possible to enable team selection and handicap review. They will liaise with the captains of opposing teams and determine match arrangements. They will chair the Selection Sub-Committees and be ex-officio members of the Fixtures and Competitions Sub-Committee. The Captains will liaise with the Groundsman to see that the Bowls Green is well maintained. They will ensure that the Groundsman is kept informed about the match programme.
6.4 The Honorary Treasurer.
The Treasurer will be responsible for the general finances of the Club including the banking of monies received and payment of accounts. The Treasurer will keep the Committee regularly informed about the financial position and will submit a Report together with an Income and Expenditure Account and Balance Sheet duly audited to the Annual General Meeting.
6.5 The Honorary Secretary.
The Secretary will be responsible for convening and minuting all meetings except meetings of sub-committees. The Secretary will deal with all correspondence and other secretarial duties and will submit a Report on the affairs of the Club at the Annual General Meeting.
6.6 The Honorary Assistant Secretary.
The Assistant Secretary will assist the Secretary and take his/her place when called upon.
7.1 Fixtures and Competitions Sub-Committee.
7.1.1 This committee will be responsible for arranging the fixture list and will represent the Club on the fixture committees of all local associations to ensure that the Club has a fair share of matches;
7.1.2 for organising competitions and to this end will ensure that appropriate entry forms are sent to members before the season or are published on the Notice Board;
7.1.3 for ensuring that players abide by the Competition Rules. Any queries concerning the application of competition rules shall be addressed to the sub-committee who will have authority to settle ordinary disputes within the existing rules. Any dispute outside the agreed Competition Rules will be settled by the Committee.
7.2 Stewards Sub-Committee.
This sub-committee will organise members to act as stewards for every session of play throughout the season. The List of Stewards will be published on the Notice Board. Stewards will organise play in accordance with the Guide to Stewards.
7.3 Clubhouse and Maintenance Sub-Committee.
This sub-committee will report regularly to the Committee about repairs and maintenance; they will allocate lockers among members and publish a list of users; they will organise members to clean the Clubhouse and publish a weekly roster.
7.4 Catering Sub-Committee.
This sub-committee will be responsible for supplying and preparing refreshments and food as necessary according to the needs of members and the match fixtures. The sub-committee will fix prices of goods and account regularly to the Treasurer for receipts and expenditure.
7.5 Social Sub-Committee.
This sub-committee will be responsible for arranging all social affairs of members including gatherings both inside and outside the Clubhouse. The sub-committee will ensure that all members are made aware of social activities by publishing notices or arranging with the Secretary for notices to be circulated.
7.6 Training Sub-Committee.
This sub-committee will ensure that all new members are introduced by their proposer and/or seconder and, where desirable, ensure that the new member is able and ready to play. To this end the sub-committee will arrange training sessions and encourage members generally to attend and to learn not only about stance and delivery of bowls but also the courtesies of play. The Training Sub-Committee will ensure that the Committee is made aware of all changes in the Rules of Bowls and Bowls Greens; it will encourage members to learn to mark single matches and to umpire and will ensure that umpires are available where necessary.
7.7 Selection Sub-Committees.
The Men’s and Ladies’ sub-committees will be chaired by the Men’s Captain and the Ladies’ Captain respectively who will each appoint two other members to their committees. These sub-committees will select teams to represent the Club and review handicaps.
7.8 Club Tour Sub-Committee.
This Sub-Committee will be responsible for researching destinations for and agree with the Committee an appropriate time for the Club Tour. The Tour Sub-Committee will make the arrangements for the Tour using agents as necessary.
8.1 The Annual Subscription is set at the Annual General Meeting and is payable by 31st January or such date as may be determined. A member who defaults in the payment of subscription by that date shall be deemed to have lost membership of the Club and their name shall be deleted from the list of members.
8.2 Former Members, their spouses and the spouses of current Bowling Members shall be recognised as Social Members and may participate in the non-bowling activities of the Club. There will be no subscription fees for Social Members.
9.1 Members who wish to enter Club competitions should subscribe their name on the appropriate Entry Form or List and pay any fee by the set date.
10.1 A member having paid the annual subscription shall be bound by the Constitution and Rules of the Club. Any queries arising should be addressed in writing to the Committee whose decision shall be final.
11.1 The Competition Rules and Bye-Laws will be decided by the Committee.
12.1 Below the waist ladies shall wear skirts, trousers, culottes or tailored shorts and men shall wear trousers or tailored shorts. Alternatively ladies may wear an all in one bowling dress. Above the waist shirts or blouses or sports tops should be worn.
12.2 For finals, inter club matches and any events where the Notice of Competition or Match so indicates, the Dress Code shall be 3 star.
12.3 For club competitions up to semi-finals and any event where the Notice of Competition or Match so indicates, the Dress Code shall be 2 star or higher.
12.4 For roll ups and any events where the Notice of Competition so indicates, the Dress Code shall be 1 star or higher.
12.5 The star rating is as follows:-
- (a)3 star – All white, but includes any approved Club top, blouson or jacket carrying Club colours.
- (b)2 star – White top, including any approved Club top, blouson or jacket carrying club colours and grey below the waist.
- (c)1 star – Casual clothing, of the types set out in 12 above, appropriate for bowls and avoiding bright colours.
13.1 The bowls green is designated a non-smoking area while play is in progress.
14.1 Mobile telephones must be switched off when on or in the proximity of the green when play is in progress.
1.1. During their first year of bowls, First Year Bowlers may not enter any Club Competitions until they have been assessed and given a handicap. They may take part in any social events organised by the Club.
1.2. If the playing standard of experienced bowlers joining the Club is known to the Selection sub-committee they may be given a handicap and enter any Club tournament or competition for which entries have not closed. They may also be used as substitutes in any competition subject to the substitution rules.
2.1. All members having a handicap of THREE or under may enter this competition provided that they have not previously won a singles competition at this or any other Club.
3.1. The competitor drawn ‘on top’ in all singles competitions (with the exception of the Men’s and Ladies’ Two Wood Singles) will provide a marker, who shall be a current playing member of the Club.
3.2. Immediately after the last day of the previous round ALL competitors, top or bottom, must contact their opposition to arrange the next round. The competitor(s) drawn on top must offer a minimum of three dates to their opponents, only two of which may run consecutively. Where an opponent is known to be employed during the day, the dates offered are to include a weekday evening and a weekend session. The competitor(s) on top shall draw for the rink.
3.3. It is the responsibility of all players to ensure that the game has been played by the expiry date of the round. If games have not been played by the due date or dispensation granted by the fixtures sub-committee, the defaulter(s) will be scratched.
3.4. All finals must be played on Finals’ Day. Should a team member not be available to play on the designated day then a substitute as per Club Rule 5 shall apply.
4.1. All matches will be entered in the Club Diary that shows when rinks are free. Generally three rinks will be available for matches during the morning and afternoon sessions and five rinks in the evening. Any further matches may only be played after all casual games have been allocated rinks.
4.2. Only one entry per match shall be entered in the Club Diary.
5.1. This section covers substitution of players for all competitions unless any specific competition rule overrides it.
5.2. Substitutes are allowed in competitions providing that the opposing team or the organiser of the competition (where so designated) has been notified prior to the match and there must always be one member of the original team remaining.
5.3. The substitute shall not have already played in the competition or tournament for which the substitution is required.
5.4. The substitute shall have a handicap not greater than that of the person they are replacing, irrespective of whether or not the competition or tournament is a handicapped event.
5.4.1. The substitute may not skip except in the Ladies Choice competition where a lady substitute must skip.
5.4.2. The substitute may play as many times as required for one team.
5.4.3. There will be no substitutes in the Married Pairs competition.
6.1. The winner(s) of these competitions shall be the player(s) with either the most shots after 15 ends or the first to have 15 shots whichever is the sooner.
6.2. If at the conclusion of 15 ends both players have an equal score, an extra end shall be played. The players will toss for the option to bowl first.
6.3. For the first round of these competitions the player drawn ‘on top’ will provide a marker. The loser of a round will mark subsequent rounds.
6.4. Players are not allowed to visit the ‘Head’ during the match.
7.1 Teams
Teams shall consist of mixed pairs including married pairs.
7.2 Rules of Play
Ordinary rules for pairs matches shall apply except that only one visit to the ‘Head’ each end will be allowed.
7.3 Fixture Dates and Allocation of Rinks
7.3.1 All matches shall be played on Mondays (except Bank Holidays) in accordance with the published timetable.
7.3.2 Prior to the draw for the competition, teams should indicate to the Fixtures Committee dates that they wish to avoid and any preference to play mornings or afternoons. The Fixtures Committee will take account of these requests wherever possible.
7.3.3 Should any team member be unable to play on the allotted date they must either use a substitute or immediately agree a new date with their opponents on a future Monday within the timetable and also inform the Fixtures Committee.
7.3.4 Should any team not complete all of their fixtures, their results will be declared void and the League positions re-stated with the defaulting pair at the bottom with no points.
7.3.5 Pairs finding themselves being dealt with under rule 7.3.4 may appeal to the Club Committee in writing setting out the circumstances surrounding their failure to complete their fixtures. The Club Committee will review these and make a decision whether or not relegation to a lower division should take place.
7.3.6 A maximum of four rinks, or at the discretion of the Committee, will be available during the morning session and five rinks during the afternoon with the other rinks being available for roll-ups. However, during the afternoon session, one additional rink may be used for re-arranged Friendship matches in priority to roll-ups.
7.3.7 Only in exceptional circumstances will the Fixtures Committee allow a re-arranged Friendship match to be played on a day other than Monday.
7.3.8 No other competition matches are to be played on Mondays at these times until all roll-ups and re-scheduled league matches have been accommodated.
7.4 League Divisions
7.4.1 Provided that there is sufficient support there shall be three divisions organised so that pairs are promoted from lower divisions to the higher division and vice versa at the start of the season according to their results in the previous season.
7.4.2 At the start of each season the Fixtures Committee shall decide on the number of pairs to be moved up or down.
7.4.3 The winners of the highest division will be presented with the ‘Weaving Friendship Cup’. The winners of the other divisions will receive a trophy for their division.
8.1 This competition is a drawn event and shall be played according to the timetable produced at the start of the season. Play will start promptly at 6.00pm (a grace period of 15 minutes will be allowed in exceptional circumstances)
8.2 Teams shall consist of four players who shall rotate on a weekly basis. The skip may play all matches although this is not obligatory.
8.3 Prior to the commencement of the competition, the skips shall provide a roster to each member of their team and also to the Fixtures Committee.
8.4 Substitutes may be used but there must always be at least one member of the original team.
Should a team be unable to fulfil a fixture for whatever reason they will forfeit the game and their opponents shall receive 2 points and the averaged shot difference from the other matches in that session (rounded down). The defaulting team will forfeit the average shot difference for that session.
8.5 During the match, one visit to the ‘Head’ each end shall be allowed.
8.6 A ‘burnt end’ shall count as an end.
8.7 If there is more than one section in the league then the winners of each section shall play off against one another at the end of the programmed rounds to decide the overall winner.
8.8 Should any team find that a player has dropped out of their team and is unlikely to resume, the Fixture Committee will endeavour to find a suitable replacement so that the rotation of players can be maintained.
9.1 Teams may consist of Men, Ladies or Mixed.
9.2 Ordinary rules for Triples matches shall apply except that only one visit to the ‘Head’ each end is allowed.
9.3 Teams may consist of a maximum of 4 players so long as the total of the handicaps of the three playing on any one day does not exceed 17 or such other total handicaps as the Committee shall decide each Season.
9.4 Should any team have a handicap total difference lower that their opponents then shots shall be awarded at the start of the game as per normal handicap events.
9.5 Players may play in any position including any substitute
9.6 Teams will receive 2 points for a win and one point for a draw.
9.7 After the results of each day’s matches are known, a league table will be compiled and the order of play for the next matches determined by the first position playing the second, the third playing the fourth etc down the table. This will be repeated until five rounds, or at the discretion of the Committee, have been completed at which point the overall winners will be the team at the top of the table.
10.1 This competition is a DRAWN event and shall be played on fixed dates chosen by the Fixtures Committee.
10.2 Teams shall consist of 3 players and the normal rules of triples shall apply, the winning team progressing to the next round of the competition.
10.3 Should a team be unable to field their drawn players for a match then substitutes may be used but one of the original players must be in the Team.
10.4 It is the duty of the two opposing skips to ensure that the names of their respective teams are entered on the match score card.
11.1 This competition is a drawn event and the ordinary rules for Fours matches shall apply except that players are not allowed to visit the ‘Head’.
11.2 The matches shall be timed events and shall be played as a ‘Round Robin’ tournament of one or more sections. In the case of there being more sections, the winners of the sections shall play-off to decide the overall winner.
12.1 To be played as per the rules for the Anne Waite Ladies’ fours.
13.1 The Duty Steward shall control the allocation of rinks and permission to commence play. Provided that the Green Keepers are not working on the green, the Steward may give permission to start earlier than the official times listed below.
13.2 The normal starting times for roll-up games are:
10.15 a.m. 2.15 p.m. 6.15 p.m.
Players should have their name tabs on the steward’s table 10 minutes before these times. Casual bowling should finish no later than
12.30 p.m. 4.30 p.m. 8.30 p.m.
13.3 Competitions are to start on the hour, i.e
10.00 a.m 2.00 p.m. 6.00 p.m.
Players should arrive 15 minutes before these or any other fixed times. Unless a player is ready to play before the end of the maximum grace period of 30 minutes from the official or agreed starting time, the player or team in default shall forfeit the match to the opposing team. (NOTE for Bowls Jersey matches the grace period is 15 minutes).
13.4 The draw for rinks will be conducted by the Steward who will place numbered balls representing rinks 2 to 6 in a bag. The Steward shall draw the rinks with another person present.
14.1 Any player may visit the ‘head’. A single visit to the ‘head’ is defined as being any walk from the mat to the ‘Head’ and back again at any time between a player bowling a bowl and the same player’s next delivery.
1.1. If inter-club matches are scheduled on Saturday and Sunday afternoons, competitions will only be played at the discretion of the Steward.
1.2. Singles matches will be allowed on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon only if there is a spare rink after all other persons turning up to play have been accommodated.
2.1. These competitions are to be played on the Home green of the person drawn ‘on top’. Permission to play at St Saviour’s will not be given where neither player is a member of the Club. (an occasional exception may be made for members of Grainville Ladies by permission of either of the Club Captains.)