2022 JEMEC 3 Wood Pairs Open

Our 5th Annual 3 wood pairs tournament kindly sponsored by Erica and Charles Tennet of JEMEC Automotive Limited was held over the weekend of 13th/14th August. 24 teams set out on our carpeted surface to be crowned the 2022 JEMEC winners.

Play commenced at 10:00am on a very warm Saturday with a preliminary round to reduce the main field to 16 teams. Indeed, all four teams that competed in the 2 finals, main and plate were drawn out in this first round so they all did it the hard way. With a fresh draw between each round, teams had no idea who their next opponent may be. The remaining 8 teams joined the winners of the preliminary round to reduce the field to 8 teams for the quarter finals which were played on the Sunday morning. The losing teams from both rounds returned to the sweltering green to play, for some a third game so that plate field was also down to eight.

After a traditional bacon roll breakfast (catered by our magnificent team of kitchen volunteers) the players walked onto the green at 10:00am with the quarterfinals being played side by side. Michael Rive & Malcolm de Sousa, beat last years champions, Lindsey and Taylor Greechan, Greg Davis & Abbey Andrieux beat Richard Allo & Peter Mauger, Fiona Archibald & Cyril Renouf got the better of Jim Douglas & Caroline Staley and in the final match Gus Hodgetts & Mark Kaleta beat Robbie Clive & Mark Ducket.

The main semi-final draw brought together Michael Rive against Gus Hodgetts, with Michael and Malcolm winning and in the other Greg Davis played Fiona Archibald with Greg and Abbey winning. The plate semi-final draw saw Ollie Crowhust and Di Canavan against Dave Gallichan and Graeme Le Monnier, with Ollie and Di winning, in the other Gina Le Long and Rupert Huelin played Anne Richardson and Ann Bisson with the 2 Ann(e)s winning.

The third / fourth match and plate final started before the main final with Fiona & Cyril beating Gus and Mark, whilst in the plate Ollie and Di got the better of Anne & Ann.

The final saw a cracking game of bowls – Michael Rive who recently won a silver medal in the European singles, Malcolm de Sousa and Greg Davis both represented Jersey in the recent Commonwealth games and Abbey Andrieux a relatively new bowler at the Sun BC. Greg & Abbey got off to a flying start leading 8-2 after 5 ends. After winning the next end, Malcolm took the mat right up the green to play minimum length bowls and they went into a 9-8 lead at the halfway stage. The next end saw a 3 for Greg and Abbey to go into an 11-9 lead. The next 8 ends saw single scores only, with Michael and Malcolm being pegged back to 14 all having been 14-12 up. A tense extra end saw Greg and Abbey win with the final bowl on the championship being driven into the head, the jack spitting out of the side of the rink to be burnt and placed on the Tee. Greg’s bowl had also removed their opponents’ closest ball to the Tee to give them a win by the narrowest of margins.

President Brian Bisson made a short speech thanking firstly all the players and supporters that had attended the event over the weekend, the sponsors JEMEC Automotive Limited, Sally Black for her very hard work selling raffle tickets, Jill Barbet and her team in the kitchen and those that took turns to serve behind the bar. He then asked Graeme Le Monnier, the tournament director to come forward to present the Trophies and cheques.